Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Thomas the Trad climber
Most people at my work think that I am crazy when I tell them that I am going to climb up an overhung rock face for the sheer fun of it...maybe I am. I have read several articles lately that feature pro rock climbers, they have all been posed the question "why do you climb?". Most have answers that seem rehearsed and others really sound like it comes from the heart. My answer is ( I know I am not a pro), because it is the only thing that gives me that feeling. I am not sure what that feeling is, but it is there. It is like hitting the first shot in a championship game, or sinking a clutch free-throw when the game is on the line. It answers something deep inside that is asking, can you do this? It is not about the glory or someone thinking that you are great, it is about the felling you have inside. Every time I tie in and start to climb there is a conflict between confidence and doubt, between peace and chaos...I have to overcome the pressure and let peace and confidence rule. It is such an awesome challenge. I know that not everyone gets that nor do they even care to have that challenge in their life, but I love it, it drives me. For so much of my life I have shared those moments with other people on a court. I am so happy that I get to share these moments now with my wife and son, not to mention "the Fam". 

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